Saturday, January 30, 2010

To build or not to build, that is the question

I am not sure if I missed this in class or if it applies to this package only (nled), but when I run the rebuild command my spec file disappears, in the case of wireshark that doesn't happen, however, that could be because wireshark didn't get rebuilt successfully because of missing dependencies. To get the spec file back I have to use the rpm -i on the package.

The second part of this exercise creates a minimal (skeleton) spec file however my current mission is to find out if there is a way to provide an alternative specfile name so that I can compare the minimal vs the main spec file

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lab1 continued...1st part done

So it seems I also needed ncurses-devel alongside ncurses..after installing both of those then rebuilding,remaking...bled was operational....the new step will be part b using another source code

So far I'm not being very successful with my choices of packages does anyone have any suggestions?

Friday, January 22, 2010


So far I've been trying to figure out how to do this while make file thing without much luck up until now. I figured I would try to do the nled one first then try another one after once this one was successful.

After many attempts I realized that the nled make file required cc and was giving me and error saying no such command so I tried yum installing cc without much luck. Another forum suggested just grabbing gcc which would then take care of the cc error....which it did but i still came across mire errors even though the cc errors were gone...being ncurses.h...I gotta say so far make is painful...but the voyage continues...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Seneca Page and FAS2 Page

here is my FAS2
and my seneca user pages

Friday, January 15, 2010

IRC convo

[14:12] <sid___> ping pokerface3
[14:12] <pokerface3> pong sid__
[14:12] <CloudScorpion> hey kids, new blood?
[14:13] <pokerface3> i was dav3
[14:13] <CloudScorpion> ah, not new blood

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

SBR...The Beginning


I hope we make it through this course...

good luck to all