Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Don't Mock Me

After going through a variety of errors and variations, I finally got my wireshark source rpm to work using the fedora-12-x86_64 config file on 'ireland'. Initially I was rebuilding the package with rpmbuild -ba whenever I edited to the spec (which took a very long time), however it was later brought ot my attention that I could simply use rpmbuild -bs to just include the edited specfile into the rpm package. After many, edits my mocked source rpm is up and running

located at

see you guys in class

Friday, February 5, 2010

Wireshark building 101

After days of failed builds my wireshark package is complete. Apparently, it was always supposed to be trial and error and that there isn't a real approach to follow. My source rpm Can be found at


It also passed the rpmlint test on both the spec file and the binary file without any warnings or errors.

Mock and Koji are next on my list...look out for blog tomorrow